Let’s Go Ahead and Talk what was my perspective of The Divine Comedy.
I looked at it Psychological and at the forefront of modern theology, on the backbone of mythology and definitely at the forefront of copy, psychiatry and psycho-analysis.
My work has been protected many times over and very actively impeded on since 2018-2019 direct and you can look at any majors of the psychological world to call out those of knowledge who went on to affordance, award and recognition off of my work in continual attacks on I to allow for Milli Vinilli across the board of what should be respected positions and still of my work and my continually attack from those who know what they did.
That is across Country Bounds, that is of worldwide scholars who, regardless of field afforded or the continual attacks one way or another of either of narrow view of interest or others not knowing the scope of my works.
Here is my copyright solidified stages of coping and process.
It is 100% United States of America verified, processed and subject to copyright infringement for at least the next 100 years in which other countries can deal with as The United States states they fiercely protect Grand Art Theft and Intellectual Property theft.
Enough of any other fucking attack on me.
I am not even on the political bounds in this capacity and I am dealing with fundamentally changing the dialogue of the world based on evidence.
Now what, internally you said you waited 10 years to public domain my life’s work while others did it anyways.
This is not public domain, I have copywriter everything and I don’t want to hear one bit of what if scenario of you after the fact while citing already an author and publishing company in Australia impeded on my works while already doing so of other countries.
If you don’t respect copyright, you probably shouldn’t be in a position of wealth or of industry.
There you go…Cope your life out completely out of context.
Thanks for having money mean more than human life and one of my contributions to civilization.
This website has been completely privately owned by I.
Any version of this website is owned by I and any copying of it without citation or for your own benefit internally or otherwise is infringement in which I do not have put up with my out the door end of 4-5 year term limits while I contemplate my 100+ outside of office or of even a corporate chance.